
Terms of Use

These terms and conditions are effective from 2024-8-20.

By downloading or using the SpeedX application, these terms of use will automatically apply to you - so you should make sure you read them carefully before using the app. You may not copy or modify the application, any part of the application or our trademarks in any way. You must not attempt to extract the source code of the Application, and you should not attempt to translate the Application into another language or make a derivative version. The Application itself, and all trademarks, copyrights, database rights and other intellectual property rights associated with it, remain the property of Ma Chao.

Ma Chao is committed to ensuring that the Application is as useful and efficient as possible. To this end, we reserve the right to make changes to the Application or to charge for its services at any time and for any reason. We will never charge for the Application or its services without making it clear to you what you will have to pay.

The SpeedX application stores and processes the personal data you provide to us in order to provide its services. You are responsible for ensuring that your device and access to the application is secure. We therefore recommend that you do not jailbreak your device, which is a software constraint imposed by the official operating system of the device. Jailbreaking may make your device vulnerable to malware and viruses, compromise the security of your device, and may prevent the SpeedX application from working properly.

This application uses the following third-party services, each of which states its own terms of use.

You should be aware that we are not responsible. Certain features of the Application will require the Application to have a working connection to the Internet. This connection may be a Wi-Fi network or it may be provided by your mobile network provider. However, if you do not have access to a Wi-Fi network and a cellular data network, we will not be responsible for the application not working in its entirety.

If you use the Application outside of an area where a Wi-Fi network is available, you should be aware that the terms of your agreement with your mobile network provider will still apply. As a result, you may be charged by your mobile provider for data traffic costs incurred while using the Application, or other third party costs. You are responsible for any such charges when using the Application, including roaming data charges incurred when you use the Application without turning off data roaming. Please also note that if you are not the bill payer for the Application and the Device, we assume that you have permission from the bill payer to use the Application.

Again, we are not responsible for the way you use the app, for example, you need to make sure that your device is charged in a timely manner - if it drains the battery, you will not be able to turn it on to use the service, for which we are not responsible.

With regard to our responsibility for your use of the Application, you should be aware that, while we always strive to ensure that it provides an accurate service at all times, we do rely on various data and information provided by third parties. Accordingly, we will not be liable for any direct or indirect losses suffered by you as a result of relying solely on the functionality of the Application.

Occasionally we may wish to update the app. The app is currently available on iOS and watchOS - and its system requirements (and any other systems we extend the app to) may change and you will need to download an update if you want to continue using the app. We do not promise that it will always be updated to work with the versions of iOS and watchOS installed on your (or related to your) device. However, you should commit to always receiving updates to the Application when we make them available to you. We may also decide to stop making the Application available and may terminate use of the Application at any time without giving you notice of termination. Unless we tell you otherwise, upon any termination, (a) the rights and licenses granted to you in these Terms will terminate; and (b) you must stop using the Application and remove the Application from your device (if required).

Changes to these Terms of Use

We may update our Terms of Use from time to time. We therefore recommend that you check this page regularly for any changes. We will inform you of any changes by posting the new Terms of Use on this page.