How to Grow Cacti at Home

How to Care for Cactus(Cactaceae) at Home including watering, fertilizing, and preventing pests and diseases

Growing cacti can be a simple and enjoyable activity. Cacti are beloved by many households for their unique appearance and adaptability to the environment. Here are some basic knowledge and tips for cultivating cacti at home.

Suitable Plants for Home Cultivation

Choosing the right cactus species for home cultivation is very important. Common household cactus species include Golden Barrel Cactus, Ball Cactus, Star Cactus, and Moon Cactus. These varieties not only have diverse shapes but also grow slowly and are easy to manage. When selecting a cactus, it is important to check if the plant is healthy, free of pests and diseases, and has a well-developed root system.

Growth Environment

Cacti prefer a dry, well-ventilated environment with plenty of sunlight. When growing them indoors, place the cacti on a south-facing or west-facing windowsill to ensure they get enough daily sunlight. If sunlight is insufficient, grow lights can be used to supplement the light. Additionally, maintaining air circulation indoors and avoiding dampness is very important.


Cacti are drought-tolerant and do not require a lot of water. During the spring and summer growing seasons, water the cacti only after the soil has completely dried out, about once a week. In the autumn and winter, when cacti enter a dormant period, reduce the watering frequency to about once a month. When watering, avoid getting water on the plant itself to prevent rot.


Cacti do not need to be fertilized frequently. During the growing season, apply a special cactus fertilizer or a diluted general liquid fertilizer once a month. Over-fertilizing can cause the cactus to grow too quickly, affecting its appearance and health.


Cacti generally do not require pruning. However, if there are dead spines or parts of the plant, they can be gently trimmed off with sterilized scissors. This helps prevent the spread of disease and keeps the plant looking attractive.

Pest and Disease Control

Although cacti are resistant, they can sometimes be affected by pests and diseases. Common problems include aphids, spider mites, and root rot. If pests or diseases are detected, treat them immediately with the appropriate insecticide or fungicide. The best way to prevent pests and diseases is to maintain a suitable growing environment and proper care management.

Using an APP for Auxiliary Care

With our carefully crafted "Bloomia" APP, you can easily manage and record the care process of your rubber tree. Whether it's watering, fertilizing, or pruning, every care operation can be recorded in the APP, making your gardening journey orderly. What's more, the "Bloomia" APP also provides a care reminder function. You can set reminders according to the care needs of the rubber tree, so you no longer have to worry about forgetting to water or fertilize. In addition, the "Bloomia" APP allows you to record every growth moment of the rubber tree with photos. Whether it's the tender green of new leaves unfolding, or the fullness of vigorous growth, all can be captured in photos, allowing you to savor the green tranquility and joy anytime in your busy life.

In summary, cultivating cacti can be a simple hobby that adds interest to life. With basic care skills, even gardening novices can easily grow healthy and beautiful cacti.